This is a NGADM Round 1 Review!
Final score: 8.5
Composition: 9
Mix: 7
Bonus: 0.5
I found this track really interesting, your guitar technique is really impressive as shown in your ability to harmonise really fast sections accurately (hence the .5 bonus). I like the intro and outro but the transitions could have been a little better between sections. The section at 1:30 is AWESOME, really, really cool. Also the first thing I wrote in my notes on this when giving it a score was "tell him he sounds like Zakk Wylde", hope you like that. ^_^
What let you down was the mix. There's a ton going on here and you're struggling to nail your mixing, I remember it was the same last year when I also loved your songs but wished you could mix them better. The less complex sections sound awesome - high impact guitars and all the different instruments coming together to just blow you away. Sadly the mix really lacks focus everywhere else. I think it's important to understand what it is the most important in each part and then mix the song AROUND that thing. Mixing is full of technique, sure, but it's also an art and you're now at the stage where you need to come to grips with that. It's a part of the creative process so keep on fighting to get better and you'll come up with tons of amazing music which will blow my mind even more. ^_^
(You can always PM me if you want any detailed tips or advice!!)